Dr David Lowinger MBBS FRACS Ear Nose & Throat Specialist Surgeon
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Broken or Bleeding Nose

Broken Nose :: Bleeding Nose

Broken Nose

Broken nose also termed as nasal fracture is a break or a crack in the nasal bone and commonly involves the nasal septum (cartilage that separates the nasal cavity into two nostrils). In cases of mild fracture, the injury causes swelling and mild bleeding. In severe cases, it may cause deformity, severe nose bleeding, blocked air flow, and deviated septum.

Some of the common causes of broken nose in children include falls, sports injuries, and motor vehicle accidents.


Some of the common symptoms of broken nose include pain, swelling, bruising around the nose, discoloration under eyes, bleeding, crooked nose, and deviated nasal septum Also, your child may face difficulty in breathing.


Your pediatric doctor will ask you about your child's injury and the history about the injury. An endoscope, light optic tube which is passed through the nostrils is used to give a clearer picture of the nose. X-rays or CT scan may be necessary for detailed investigations.

Non-surgical treatment

  • Nasal sprays or injections to relieve pain. If the fracture is minor home remedies that include applying ice on the area and pain medications will be used.

  • Closed reduction procedure will be done if the bone or cartilage is displaced. Your doctor will insert splints which will help to realign the bones and cartilage and restore to the original position

  • If there is continuous bleeding, moisture nasal gauze strips with antibiotic ointment may be packed over your child's nose which will prevent infection

  • If there is a blood clot (hematoma), then your doctor will drain the blood clot by making small incisions

Surgical treatment

  • If there are multiple breaks or which is left untreated then surgery may be necessary to realign the bones and reshape the bone, and the procedure is known as rhinoplasty

  • If the break has damaged the nasal septum causing difficulty in breathing then septorhinoplasty is done to reconstruct the nose

Bleeding Nose

Bleeding in nose occurs when the small veins in the nose ruptures. It most commonly occurs in children between 3 and 10 years. Excess blood loss leads to symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. In serious cases bleeding nose can be a sign of broken nose. Consult your doctor if you observe recurrent bleeding in your child.

Nose bleed is of two types anterior and posterior. Anterior nose bleed comes from the front of the nose. Capillaries and very small blood vessels may break and bleeding occurs. Posterior nose bleed is from the deep part of the nose. The blood will flow back into the throat if the individual is standing or sitting. This type of nose bleed rarely occurs in children and common in adults.

Bleeding nose is caused because of constant picking of nose, sinus infection, nasal allergies, insertion of foreign body into the nose, common cold, bacterial infection, hard blow on th e nose, injury while playing sports, and dry air.


  • Apply ice pack over the nose for 10 min
  • Gently squeeze the soft part of the nose with a wash cloth or tissue
  • Silver nitrate containing antiseptic cream is applied which will seal the blood vessels, this procedure is called as cauterization

Prevention & precautions

  • Keep your child's nails trimmed neatly.
  • When there is a nose bleed, encourage your child to lean forward and not backward as the blood may flow down to the throat and cause coughing and vomiting.
  • Apply pressure on your child's nose for 10min
  • Do not let your child blow, pick the nose, or rub the nose
  • Keep your child's room moist by using vaporizer or humidifier
  • Apply vaseline on regularly to prevent the nasal passages from becoming dry
  • Make sure your child uses necessary protective clothing while participating in sports
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Royal Australasian College of Surgeons The Australian Society Of Otolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery Australian New Zealand Society of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology (ANZSPO) The University of New South Wales The University of Sydney Harvard Medical School

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